There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anaïs Nin

Friday, February 4, 2011

Through the Eyes of a Child

      Driving my daughter to school this morning she commented on how gorgeous everything looked.  The sun was just starting to rise and the rays were shining on the tops of the trees brilliantly reflecting the ice covered branches.  I wondered if anyone else was taking in the beauty of the morning and Rachael in her bright-eyed innocence said “of course everyone sees this, Mom, it’s too beautiful not to notice.”

      How wonderful to be a child and see all the goodness in things and in people.  I confess, I was skeptical about whether people were taking in the beauty of the day. I have surely not paid attention on many occasions, too caught up in my worries of the moment to notice.  And I understand that like myself, many people are fed up with this winter.

      Tired of shoveling snow and chipping away the ice, unable to see around mounds of snow on the corners of intersections making driving conditions unsafe,  school cancellations preventing a normal schedule of activities, I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of spring. 

      Even as I sit in my dining room typing away at my computer, I am watching water seep slowly into my house beneath the baseboards.  Unable to determine exactly where it’s coming from there is nothing I can do but wait for all the snow to melt, and hope the damage is minimal.

     And yet, my daughter’s words keep resonating in my head.  So I am resisting the urge to fall back into old habits and worry and complain about my situation.  Instead, I will choose to see the day through my daughter’s eyes and listen to the message of goodness and beauty that God spoke in His sunrise this morning. 


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Just read your Pop-Tarts post. My mom bought those maybe once if ever, but I never cared for them. I might give them another try if they would make me bound out of bed and the bed would immediately make itself!

  2. I love this post! There really is something to seeing life and people through the eye's of a child...I too, have to mentally stop myself and embrace the beauty that is in front of me...this post resonates with my soul Deborah...thank you for reminding me to enjoy the simple things instead of focusing on something that will not only make me worry but very likely crabby. XX

  3. Thanks for stopping by! I really like this post. Sometimes we don't see the beauty that God places around us because we are too busy running around. Good reminder to keep looking for it, because it's all around us.

  4. Sounds like a perfect plan to me. I hope your damage is minimal and your joys are to the max!

  5. Thanks for all the kind words ladies! Linda, lol...your last comment made me laugh out loud!

  6. This is just beautiful Deborah! I worked for a few years in a preschool and had my moments where I was absolutely...hmm, not shamed really but a little bit by the sheer joy the children took in nature on the days when we adults were complaining about having to go out at all "in such weather".

    I love how children see the world. I think it pleases God.

