There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anaïs Nin

Friday, January 14, 2011

Destiny or Bust

     Do I drink because I’m bored or am I bored because I drink?
     I have spent the last twenty years raising my children. Some years were so busy that they are only a blur to me now. The years of Little League and travel soccer required me to move out of my house and into my car. I packed the back of my Suburban with extra clothes, uniforms, food, Gatorades, first aid kits, and handheld video games. Everything I needed to be out of the house from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m. navigating practice and game schedules with the efficiency and focus of an air traffic controller.
       Then in the blink of an eye, the kids got their drivers licenses and my life, as I knew it, was over.
      So I did what any mom with some spare time would do…I joined the fire department. Becoming a firefighter was one of my greatest accomplishments, but it didn’t last long, because as will often happen in life, I was thrown a curve ball and I had to refocus my energies back to the home front.
      Finding myself with far too much time on my hands, I found solace in my ever faithful friend, Kendall Jackson.  Unfortunately, cocktail hour soon became the highlight of my day.  Well, that and checking to see if anyone commented on my Facebook status.  
      How easy it has always been for me to succumb to old habits, drinking to deal with unpleasant feelings, like boredom.  But not this time. The famous words of Albert Einstein come to mind…”Insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
       Hence, the decision to give up drinking for one year. Next December when I reflect on 2011 I am hopeful that my life is going to look different. That I will have grown in new ways, perhaps finally finding my true purpose…my destiny.
       But if by that time there is no significant change, rest assured, I will be in the bar at midnight on New Year’s Eve buying the first round of shots.


  1. First of all, thank you for commenting I my recent post so that I could come here and find you. It seems as though we have some things in common. Very cool that you are seeking to embrace yourself in 2011 too...I did get to read a few of your posts here...sounds like you are off to a good really is nice to meet you...seeking to embrace ourselves will be quite the's to 2011...I look forward to getting to know you better and seeing what is in store for you! XX Lori

  2. Thanks Lori! As you can see I'm new to blogging. I'm having fun surfing the net looking for other bloggers. I look forward to following your journey as well!

