There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anaïs Nin

Thursday, March 3, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

     I remember learning about the concept of Original Sin during Sunday School classes. The idea was that Adam and Eve brought sin into the world and now we are all born with sin.  Sin meaning that we are separate from God. The church I belonged to at the time baptized infants as a way to cleanse babies of sin bringing them back into union with God.  Yet when I held each of my children for the first time all I saw was a miracle.   A new creation, and although I had each of my kids baptized within weeks of their births, I began to question this notion that we are born already separated from God.

     But if we aren’t born already separated from God, when does it happen?  Or does it happen at all?  As I watched my babies grow, I saw them transform from innocent helpless beings to demanding toddlers and impossible adolescents.  But did that come from something within them or did it come from our culture.  Our culture that teaches about survival of the fittest, and only the strong survive.  A culture that rewards achievements, being number one, being better than others.  I watch reality TV shows and hear the mantra “I am going to stay true to myself” which sounds harmless enough, but really means “what’s right is what’s right for me.”

     In the animal kingdom we see the theory of survival of the fittest at its best as animals instinctively know that for the herd to remain strong they must sometimes sacrifice their oldest, youngest and weakest members.  If humans are simply evolutionary creatures, I would conclude that we should also sacrifice for the good of the herd, but thankfully we are also created in the image of God.  A God who has taught us to resist the temptation to think only of ourselves.  A God who teaches us to care for the needy, the poor, the down and out, which was what Jesus spoke of in His sermon on the mount, and was radically opposite to the teachings of the strong religious leaders of the day.

    No I don’t believe that I was born separate from God, but I do believe that immersion into this culture has caused me to lose my way. I have forgotten who I am and where I came from.  And the only way back is through service.  Because each time I put someone else’s needs before my own, I move myself forward on the spectrum from my human nature to my spirit nature.  And while I may have a long way to go yet, I only have to remind myself that it’s not about being a better person  than anyone else, its simply about being a better person today than I was yesterday.


  1. I agree completely!! Babies are indeed a miracle,they are the closest thing to heaven that we can touch on this earth. How can anyone smell a newborn babies breathe and not feel the presence of God? I also believe we are only here to help others along the way,if not,what good are we? There's no doubt,you are on the right track.

  2. Oh Deborah, once again a really insightful post! Some excellent queries and points as well. Babies are tiny miracles from above, I believe that too. I believe they are SO close to God.

    I do agree that our culture plays a large part in who we are and who we become. As you said, the mantra about "staying true to yourself" has been tossed around so much, I think it has lost all of it's goodness and meaning and simply become a cop out to do whatever one pleases whatever the cost to anyone else.

    Your posts certainly make me think! I agree with Aimless Infatuation, you are on the right path lovely lady!

    Have a wonderful day! I hope it is full of laughter for you!

  3. It's my first time here and I'm glad that I clicked to follow.. this post is beautifully written!



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