There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anaïs Nin

Friday, April 22, 2011

Before The Rooster Crows...

Maundy  Thursday…a time to recapture Jesus’ last night with his disciples.  The evening when he broke bread with them and humbly washed their feet.  Showing them the Way.  The Way of humble service. The Way of acceptance.  The Way of Love.

He was the Light of the World.

And yet, each of the disciples in their own way extinquished that Light.  By doubting, denying, debating, running, and betraying.  And Jesus was taken away to be crucified. 

And how have I contributed to extinquishing the Light?

When I am stubborn, prideful, arrogant….I extinquish the Light.
When I am angry, short-tempered, critical…I extinquish the Light.
When I am afraid, worried, anxious…I extinquish the Light.
When I see someone in need and look the other way…I extinquish the Light.
When I am envious, ungrateful, focused on what I lack…I extinquish the Light.
When I am impatient, agitated, annoyed…I extinquish the Light.
When I refuse to forgive…I extinquish the Light.
When I choose hate over love…I extinquish the Light.

Jesus Christ died on the cross today. For me, but also because of me.

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